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來源:北京鴻達天矩試驗設備有限公司   2014年04月14日 10:27  


Constant temperature and humidity aging room refrigeration system adopts domestic refrigeration compressor and original refrigeration unit standards
    通過實踐我們認識到如果按國產制冷機組的標準制冷量來選擇原裝制冷機組的標準制冷量,那么選擇的原裝制冷機組就很大了,現(xiàn)在我們舉例說明:Through practice we realize that if the domestic refrigeration unit of the capacity to choose original refrigeration unit standard refrigerating capacity, then selecting the original refrigeration unit is very big, now we illustrate:
    如單位欲建一恒溫恒濕老化房,其儲藏量為15t容積為60m在溫為—18c。若選用國產制冷機組憑經驗應該用2F10制冷機組,它的標淮制冷量為:14000kcal/h,此標準制冷量在蒸發(fā)溫度為—15霓丹凝溫度為*刃℃的國家標準規(guī)定的條件下的制冷量,若蒸發(fā)溫度—25℃時PB產制冷機組就沒有標明了。若選用法國進口原裝“美優(yōu)樂”制冷機組—64,它的標準制冷星為:5465.5/h,蒸發(fā)溫度為—25c,則為3053kcal/h.由此可見,不能憑過去選擇國產制冷機組型號所標的標準制冷星的數(shù)值來查原裝機組的型號。Such as unit to build a constant temperature and humidity aging room, its reserves of 15 t capacity is 60 m for 18 c in temperature. If choose domestic refrigeration unit with experience should use 2 f10 refrigeration unit, its standard refrigerating capacity: 14000 kcal/h, this standard refrigerating capacity in evaporation temperature for 15 neon Dan condensing temperature for * blade ℃ refrigerating capacity under the conditions stipulated in the national standard, if the evaporation temperature of 25 ℃ when the PB production refrigeration unit, there is no marked. If France of imported original "beauty superiorly happy" refrigeration units - 64, its standard star for refrigeration: 5465.5 / h, evaporation temperature of - 25 c, 3053 kcal/h. This shows, cannot choose domestic refrigeration units by the past type refrigeration star of the listed standard value to look up the original model of the unit.
    因此,我們希望大家在為恒溫恒濕老化房選擇進口制冷機組時不要憑經驗就選用多少匹或多少大卡的制冷機組,這樣您將會為此花費很大的資金,造成不必要的浪費,是與經營這種制冷機組的單位進行咨詢或向有關專家請教,來為自己選擇原裝制冷機組提供一些參考。Therefore, we hope you choose imported refrigeration unit for constant temperature and humidity aging room when don't choose by experience how much or how many calories of refrigeration units, so that you will spend a lot of money, cause unnecessary waste, it is best to the business unit of the refrigeration unit consultation or consult experts and to choose their own original refrigeration units to provide some reference.



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