Desktop the ozone
Ozone tester, ozone analyzer, ozone water meter, laboratory ozone concentration detector
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Product overview
Ozone tester is applicable to large, medium and small waterworks and industrial and mining enterprises, detection of ozone concentration in life or industrial water, in order to control the ozone in the water to meet the prescribed standards for water quality. The meter application principle of microcomputer photoelectron colorimetric detection to replace the traditional visual colorimetric method. To eliminate the human error, thus greatly improve the measurement resolution. Measurement, when the measured water pour into reagent, water will turn red. Then put the water in the photoelectric colorimetric, instrument by comparing of red depth and size of ozone concentration is obtained.
Product features:
? Microcomputer, touch keyboard, backlit LCD display, adopted the latest micro-processing technology and high reliability of integrated circuit.
? Nonlinear data processing and data smoothing functions, fast automatic multipoint correction, since the diagnostic information prompt
? Have a custom curve calibration function, high precision deposited all mathematical modeling work curve, ensure the accuracy of the direct reading density
? 可靠的定位結構及特制高強度長壽命光源,無需維護,確保儀器能長時間穩(wěn)定工作
? Reliable positioning structure and special high strength and long life, light source, no maintenance, to ensure that the instrument can work stably for a long time
? 具有RS-232接口,可與PC連接讀取數據(選配).
? With RS - 232 interface, can be connected to the PC to read data (optional).
? 融合多項自主設計成果,技術*,符合國標GB/T5750-2006生活飲用水衛(wèi)生標準
? Fusion many achievements of independent design patent, the technology is advanced, accord with national standard GB/T5750-2006 drinking water hygiene standards
Technical indicators:
Model ML860T
Measuring range: 0-5 mg/L
Linear error: plus or minus 5% FS + 1 (word)
Repeatability: 2%
Power supply: AC220V / 50 hz
Minimum value: 0.001 mg/L
Features: features: desktop, microcomput
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