A, the harm of ultraviolet radiation on the human body:
1 oo ~ 400 nm wavelength of electromagnetic wave is called ultraviolet light. The sun is very strong ultraviolet radiation, the amount of ultraviolet radiation to human body health. But contact excessive ultraviolet ray can produce harm to the body, especially the damage to the eyes. In a production environment, all the object's temperature above 1200 ℃, can appear in the uv spectrum. Electric welding and gas welding, such as electric furnace steelmaking operation, as well as the use of arc lamp, mercury lamp, flash light, ultraviolet disinfection lamp, etc all can by ultraviolet radiation. The shorter the wavelength of ultraviolet is, the greater the damage to human skin. Shortwave ultraviolet ray can be through the dermis, medium wave can into the dermis. But contact too much ultraviolet light can cause harm to the body.
紫外線作用于中樞神經(jīng)系統(tǒng),可出現(xiàn)頭痛、頭暈、體溫升高等。過量輻射會誘發(fā)皮膚癌。另外對眼睛的損傷特別明顯,作用于眼部,可引起結(jié)膜炎、角膜炎,稱為光照性眼炎,還有可能誘發(fā)白內(nèi)障,在焊接過程中產(chǎn)生的紫外線會使焊工患上電光性眼炎(可以治愈)。紫外線過量照射皮膚時,可引起血管擴張,出現(xiàn)紅斑、癢、水皰、水腫等;長期照射可使皮膚干燥、失去彈性和老化。紫外線與煤焦油、瀝青、石蠟等同時作用皮膚時,可引起光敏性皮炎。所以無論是在生活中還是在工作中都應(yīng)該盡量避免紫外線照射。Ultraviolet rays central nervous system, can appear have a headache, dizziness, body temperature, etc. Too much radiation causes skin cancer. Role particularly evident, in addition to the eyes of damage in the eye, can cause conjunctivitis, keratitis, called light eye inflammation, may also induce cataract, the welding process of ultraviolet ray can make welders electro-optic eye inflammation (can cure). Excessive exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays, skin can cause vasodilation, occurrence erythema, itching, blisters, edema, etc.; Long-term exposure can make the skin is dry, loss of flexibility and aging. Ultraviolet (uv) and coal tar, bitumen, paraffin wax, effect of skin at the same time, can cause photosensitive dermatitis. So either in life or in work should avoid ultraviolet irradiation.
Second, the preventive measures:
Prevent the harm of ultraviolet (uv) should be used in automatic or semi-automatic welding. Increase the distance and the radiation source. Welders and his aides have to wear special protective mask or glasses and appropriate protective gloves, can not have exposed skin. Welders operating screen should be used when the surrounding areas, in order to avoid other kinds of personnel by ultraviolet irradiation. When welding produce harmful gases and soot, local exhaust measures should be adopted.
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