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IGOL SONIFAT 2040DW除濕防銹劑已更換鐵通包裝?

來源:湖南魯爾能源科技有限公司   2023年10月17日 11:08  

SONIFAT 2040DW除濕防銹劑

Solvent-based protective fluid溶劑型保護液

Appearance / Color:Fluid/Brown外觀/顏色:流體/棕色


Sonifat 2040 DW is a rust inhibitor that removes moisture.Sonifat 2040 DW是一種除濕防銹劑。

Sonifat 2040 DW adheres very well to metal due to its strong polarity, providing long-lasting protection of any coated surfaces.Sonifat 2040 DW具有很強的極性,可以很好地粘附在金屬上,為任何涂層表面提供持久的保護。

Sonifat 2040 DW eliminates any traces of grease and impurities by leaving a protective film deposit.Sonifat 2040 DW通過留下保護膜沉積物來消除任何油脂和雜質的痕跡。

Sonifat 2040 DW acts deep down to combat corrosion in the sublayers and prevents any pits from forming and developing.Sonifat 2040 DW在深層作用,以對抗亞層的腐蝕,防止任何凹坑的形成和發(fā)展。

Sonifat 2040 DW possesses water-repellent properties. It removes water from contacts and is suitable for all applications (excluding electrical systems), wherever the need for drying and protecting is necessary.Sonifat 2040 DW具有防水性能。它從觸點去除水分,適用于所有需要干燥和保護的應用(不包括電氣系統(tǒng))。

USES:All mechanical industries.用途:所有機械行業(yè)。

Application by應用:

1、nebulisation (aerosol or spray gun)霧化(氣霧劑或噴槍)

2、painting using a brush用刷子刷涂


SONIFAT 2040DW溶劑型包裝有:20L/桶、60L/桶、220L/桶。SONIFAT 2040DW溶劑型包裝存儲有效期長達10年!IGOL SONIFAT 2040DW 20L塑料桶包裝經廠家綜合考慮已更換為金屬桶包裝,金屬桶裝的耐擠壓不易變形更適合產品長途運輸及存儲。

SONIFAT 2040 DW (Aerosol氣溶膠)

Multi-purpose protection.多功能保護

Reserved for professional use供專業(yè)使用


SONIFAT 2040 DW is above all an anti-rust agent and moisture repellent.SONIFAT 2040 DW首先是防銹劑和防潮劑。

It also possesses multiple properties usable in industry, aeronautics and leisure.它還具有多種性能,可用于工業(yè),航空和休閑。

Guaranteed silicone-free.保證沒有硅酮的證書。


ANTI-RUST PROTECTION: SONIFAT 2040 DW, thanks to its high polarity, is highly adhesive to metal and provides long-lasting protection of coated surfaces.防銹保護:SONIFAT 2040 DW,由于其高極性,對金屬具有很強的附著力,并為涂層表面提供持久的保護。

DEGREASING AGENT: SONIFAT 2040 DW eliminates any traces of grease and impurities by leaving a protective film.脫脂劑:SONIFAT 2040 DW通過留下保護膜消除任何油脂和雜質的痕跡。

PENETRATING AGENT: SONIFAT 2040 DW acts deep down to combat corrosion in the sublayers and prevents any pits from forming and developing.穿透劑:SONIFAT 2040 DW作用于深層,對抗亞層的腐蝕,防止任何凹坑的形成和發(fā)展。

MOISTURE REPELLENT: SONIFAT 2040 DW possesses water-repellent properties. It drives water out of contacts.防潮性:SONIFAT 2040 DW具有防水性能。它將水從觸點中排出。

Suitable for any applications (excluding live voltage) requiring drying and protection.適用于任何需要干燥和保護的應用(不包括活電壓)。


Any mechanical industry/ agriculture/construction/aeronautics/ leisure (hunting, etc.).任何機械工業(yè)/農業(yè)/建筑/航空/休閑(機械活動等)。

The aerosol cans must be used within one year of delivery for optimum use; returns will not be accepted after this time.氣霧劑罐必須在交付后一年內使用,以達到很好用途;在此之后,退貨將不被接受。


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