A:環(huán)鏈葫蘆型chain hoist
Bell valve is mainly composed of valve seat, bell, valve body, valve cover, lifting boom, poppet and derrick lubrication sealing system, chain electric hoist and the ladder system. Bell bell and seat for steel casting, control the relative position of relationship with the valve seat can achieve the goal of controlling fluid flow. At work, the seat is installed on the pipeline. Bell after the boom, through the lubrication and sealing system chain electric hoist crane connection into a whole. When get action signal chain electric hoist, when you start the bell valves, chain electric hoist pull hook, derrick vertical rise, thus to raise its bell, thus make bell jar and seat produced distance, bell valves at the ends of the line is connected, realize the flue gas emissions. On the other hand, the link chain electric hoist hook down, bell under gravity whereabouts, until the access to the seat, so it will be at the ends of the pipeline gas cutting.
When the hoist to get action signal, when you start the bell valves, hoist taut wire rope, derrick vertical rise, thus to raise its bell, thus make bell jar and seat produced distance, bell valves at the ends of the line is connected, realize the flue gas emissions. On the other hand, the release of wire rope hoist, bell under the gravity whereabouts, until the access to the seat, so it will be at the ends of the pipeline gas cutting.
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