目錄:牛津儀器(上海)有限公司>>sCMOS Camera Series>> Zyla 5.5 sCMOS
Andor's Zyla 5.5 sCMOS camera offers high speed, high sensitivity imaging performance in a remarkably light and compact, TE cooled design. Zyla is ideally suited to many cutting-edge applications that push the boundaries of speed, offering sustained frame rate performance of up to 100 fps, faster with ROIs.
A highly cost-effective USB 3.0 version is available offering 40 fps and 0.9 e- rms read noise, representing an ideal low light 'workhorse' upgrade camera solution for both microscopy and physical science applications, in either research or OEM environments.
Rolling and Global (Snapshot) Shutter readout inherent to Zyla 5.5 ensures maximum application flexibility. Global shutter to the in particular provides an important 'freeze frame' exposure mechanism that emulates that of an interline CCD, overcoming the transient readout nature of Rolling shutter mode.
The Andor GPU Express library has been created to simplify and optimize data transfers from camera to a CUDA-enabled NVidia Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) card to facilitate accelerated GPU processing as part of the acquisition pipeline.