
中級會員 | 第5年


當前位置:> 供求商機> 2307-212-034C01-PAC OptiDist 電磁閥

2307-212-034C01-PAC OptiDist 電磁閥
  • 2307-212-034C01-PAC  OptiDist 電磁閥


地: 美國

更新時間:2024-11-13 21:00:07



( 聯系我們,請說明是在 化工儀器網 上看到的信息,謝謝!)

PAC OptiDist 散熱扇,風扇3602-000-0002 電磁閥 2307-212-034C01 2307-211-127C01

PAC  OptiDist 電磁閥 2307-212-034C01  2307-211-127C01

PAC  OptiDist 電磁閥 2307-212-034C01  2307-211-127C01

美國PAC旗下herzog常壓蒸餾儀器optidist上使用電磁閥 ,消耗品。

4001-300-000 Touch Screen for TFT Display
4002-200-000 TFT Display

4002-200-001 Back Light Inverter for TFT Display
4004-200-000 Back Light for TFT Display
3003-004-1007 OptiDist Vapor Probe holder  and gauge for Probe adjustment
3001-004-1065 OptiDist Receiver Chamber Liquid Vessel
3002-004-1031 OptiDist Vapor Probe wire guide  
3002-000-1002 Hose connection piece for fire extinguisher gas

3801-000-000 OptiDist Heater Temperature Sensor
3203-400-001 OptiDist Flask Heater

2006-004-001 OptiDist Receiver Chamber Heater
2003-004-006 OptiDist  Condenser Heater
3304-500-000 Power Supply
3204-400-001 DC-AC Converter for Cooling Compressor (600W)

2101-330-000 CPU Board
2101-110-008 Fire Detection Board
2101-340-001 Control Board
2101-110-006 Heater Control Board
2101-320-002 MMI board
1109-200-001 Fuse 7A
1109-200-000 Fuse 2A
3301-151-30A Fuse 30A

3704-100-000 Switch for Receiver Door or Base Plate detection
3707-400-002 SSR Relays
3107-001-0602 Spring for Base Plate
3002-004-2009 Short plunger for Heater Lift
3002-004-2010 Long plunger for Heater Lift
3800-000-005 OptiDist Fire Sensor

3801-300-002 OptiDist Temperature Sensor for Receiver Chamber
3800-000-003 OptiDist Temperature sensor for Condenser
3801-400-000 OptiDist Optimizer
3301-230-001 OptiDist  over temperature switch for Receiver
3301-230-000 OptiDist over temperature switch for Condenser
3800-000-004 Light barrier
3800-000-001 OptiDist IBP Light barrier
3800-000-002 OptiDist Volume measuring Light barrier
3704-300-002 OptiDist Emergency Stop button
3704-400-004 OptiDist Main switch  
3804-300-000 OptiDist Liquid Level detector for cooling liquid
3602-000-0000 Blower back power supply
3602-000-0002 Blower for Receiver Chamber
3602-000-0005 Blower for Oven

2001-004-012 OptiDist Cooling Compressor
2304-142-002 OptiDist Liquid Pump for Receiver chamber
2304-142-003 OptiDist Liquid Pump for Condenser
2307-212-034C01 OptiDist Solenoid valve  
2307-211-127C01 OptiDist Solenoid valve  
3601-000-0001 OptiDist Stepper Motor complete  
3106-103-30001 Tooth belt for volume measuring system

2001-004-006 OptiDist Volume Measuring System complete
3602-000-0001 VOC blower  

3003-004-1009 OptiDist Receiver Chamber door
3103-001-001 OptiDist Oven door
2407-000-001N Plastic joint  
5201-000-001 Set of  hexagonal wrenches:1,5; 2; 2,5; 3; 4; 5 mm
5202-004-001 OptiDist IBP Light barrier Adjustment Tool

3801-110-001 OptiDist Vapor Probe with calibration certificate 50°C and 250°C
3801-110-001-3C OptiDist Vapor Probe  calibrated at customer points

2001-004-008 OptiDist Vapor Probe Stopper for 100 ml, 125 ml and 250ml flask
2001-004-018 OptiDist Vapor Probe Stopper for 200ml flask
2001-004-016 OptiDist Dry Point Sensor and Vapor Probe Stopper for 125ml flask
2001-004-017 OptiDist Dry Point Sensor and Vapor Probe Stopper for 200ml flask
2201-004-003 OptiDist flask 100ml  
2201-004-001 OptiDist flask 125ml
2201-004-004 OptiDist flask 200 ml

2201-004-005 OptiDist flask 250 ml

2007-004-002 OptiDist Silicon Hose for  Flask connection  
2002-004-001 OptiDist Measuring Cylinder 100ml with brass base
2202-004-001 OptiDist Measuring Cylinder tube 100ml

O-Ring set Viton  19,8 * 3,6   for 100ml Measuring

2401-036-019801 Viton O-Ring
2002-004-008 Solvent resistant OptiDist Measuring Cylinder 100ml with brass base

O-Ring set for 100ml solvent resistant Measuring

2401-036-019800 Silicone PFA  O-Ring
2401-036-019801 Viton O-Ring

Order N° Description Qty Pictures

2002-004-007 OptiDist Measuring Cylinder 200ml with brass base
2202-004-002 OptiDist Measuring Cylinder Tube 200ml

O-Ring set Viton   30,8 * 3,6   for 200ml Measuring

2401-036-030801 Viton O-Ring 30,8 * 3,6
3002-004-1013 OptiDist Heater Base Plate ?50mm
3002-004-1014 OptiDist Heater Base Plate ?38mm
3002-004-1015 OptiDist Heater Base Plate ?32mm

3002-004-1032 OptiDist Heater Base Plate ?25mm

3004-004-1002 Rubber Cap for Measuring Cylinder
O-Ring set for Vapor Probe Stopper for 100ml, 125ml and 250ml flask

Consist of:

2401-026-012100 Silicone PFA  O-Ring
3003-004-1006 Stopper End
O-Ring  for Vapor Probe Stopper for 200ml flask

2401-036-019801 Viton O-Ring 19,8 * 3,6
2000-004-002 OptiDist Condenser Cleaner
1106-004-000 Boiling Stones for atmospheric distillation
1101-004-000 Printer paper for built in ticket printer

1101-000-000 Paper for external A4 printer 1 NO PICTURE
1310-010-010301 Certified Reference Material with certificate, ASTM D86 distillation, diesel fuel, approx. 255 ml

PAC  OptiDist 溫度傳感器,溫度探頭  3801-110-001

PAC  OptiDist 溫度傳感器,溫度探頭  3801-111-001

PAC  OptiDist 溫度傳感器,溫度探頭  3801-300-002

PAC   溫度傳感器,溫度探頭  103734

PAC  溫度傳感器,溫度探頭  103845

PAC 量筒   511-004

PAC 孔板/蒸餾支板3002-004-1015   3002-004-1013   3002-004-1014

AL-53714    PAC O型圈53714
AL- 53706  PAC O型圈53706  
AL- 70363 PAC O型圈70363
1209-004-001 PAC 二甲苯餾程組件
2001-004-008  PAC 溫度計固定帽
01000-852-52    pac 傾點標樣
71028  PAC專用干燥劑/分析儀  
3801-110-001  pac蒸汽探頭 帶50和250度標定證書
2202-004-001  pac專用量筒-100ml  
2201-004-001  pac專用蒸餾燒瓶125ml
M00403-125ml  PAC 常壓蒸餾沸程燒瓶

620-113 PAC 點火線圈    
AL-17621 PAC 殘液收集瓶
AL-91652  PAC 熱氧化安定性加熱管

101300  ALCOR 加熱管

 30066           進樣管

10.11.020     接頭

121-058  o型圈

121-005 o型圈

121-058  o型圈

101-206  o型圈

3800-000-002M   光柵

10.74.006  ac色譜柱

10.74.007  ac色譜柱

20001.026 ac參考標樣

20001.537 ac參考標樣

21011.211 AC電磁閥

PAC  OptiDist 電磁閥  2307-212-034C01  2307-211-127C01  信息由青島佰盛儀器有限公司為您提供,如您想了解更多關于PAC  OptiDist 散熱扇,風扇3602-000-0002  電磁閥2307-211-127C01報價、型號、參數等信息,歡迎來電或留言咨詢。除供應PAC  OptiDist 散熱扇,風扇 3602-000-0002 ,電磁閥 2307-212-034C01  2307-211-127C01外,還可為您提供PCS-HFRR/ABS、PAC備件(ISL)、PAC(HERZOG),TANNAS,XOS,CFR,Thermo ,EMCEE,  AMETEK ,premier,brand,E+H備件等產品,公司有專業(yè)的客戶服務團隊,是您值得信賴的合作伙伴。










