美國PYREX杜恩斯玻璃組織研磨器7ml進口PYREX15ml 40ml
7722年PYREX®品牌,組織磨床,Dounce 2玻璃杵
美國PYREX杜恩斯玻璃組織研磨器7ml進口PYREX15ml 40ml
7722 PYREX® Brand, Tissue Grinder, Dounce, 2 Glass Pestles
Supplied with two pestles to ensure dissociation of cells into fine particles with minimal damage to cell nuclei. Use the large clearance pestle for initial reduction of soft tissue. Complete the homogenization with the small clearance pestle. Particularly useful in enzyme studies where heat
build-up must be avoided.
7ml進口PYREX15ml 40ml
7ml進口PYREX15ml 40ml