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登革熱病毒通用核酸熒光PCR 檢測試劑盒 |
登革熱病毒Ⅰ型核酸熒光PCR 檢測試劑盒 |
登革熱病毒Ⅱ型核酸熒光PCR 檢測試劑盒 |
登革熱病毒Ⅲ型核酸熒光PCR 檢測試劑盒 |
登革熱病毒Ⅳ型核酸熒光PCR 檢測試劑盒 |
黃熱病毒核酸熒光PCR 檢測試劑盒 |
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基孔肯雅病毒核酸熒光PCR 檢測試劑盒 |
裂谷熱病毒核酸熒光PCR 檢測試劑盒 |
東部馬腦炎病毒核酸熒光PCR 檢測試劑盒 |
西部馬腦炎病毒核酸熒光PCR 檢測試劑盒 |
委內瑞拉馬炎病毒核酸熒光PCR 檢測試劑盒 |
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風疹病毒核酸熒光PCR 檢測試劑盒 |
東部/西部/委內瑞拉馬腦炎病毒核酸三色熒光PCR 檢測試劑盒 |
登革熱Ⅰ/Ⅱ/Ⅲ/Ⅳ病毒核酸四色熒光PCR 檢測試劑盒 |
維他命C.系人類營養(yǎng)中zui重要嘅維他命之一,缺少佢時會惹壞血病,就又稱為抗壞血酸(ascorbic acid)。佢對物質代謝嘅較具有重要嘅作用。近年嚟,原來佢仲有增強機體對腫瘤嘅抵抗力,并具有化學致癌物嘅阻斷作用。
1. 2%草酸溶液:草酸2g溶于100mL蒸餾水中。
2. 1%草酸溶液:草酸1g溶于100mL蒸餾水中。
4. 0.1% 2,6-二氯酚靛酚溶液:250mg 2,6-二氯酚靛酚溶于150mL含有52mg NaHCO3嘅熱水中,冷卻后加水稀釋至250mL,貯于棕色瓶中雪(4℃)約可保存一周。次次臨用嘅時候,以標準抗壞血酸溶液標定。
Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins in human nutrition, lack of it will produce scurvy, also known as ascorbic acid (ascorbic acid). It plays an important role in the regulation of material metabolism. In recent years, it has been found to enhance the body's resistance to tumors and the blocking effect of chemical carcinogens.
Vitamin C is mainly found in fresh fruits and vegetables. In the fruit with the highest content in kiwifruit, lemon, orange and orange in the content is also very rich in vegetables; the most abundant content of pepper, tomato, cabbage, radish, cabbage is also very rich in content, wild plants with the most abundant content in Cili, containing 2800 milligrams per 100 grams, "vitamin C king said. Vitamin C is a colorless crystal. It is acid, soluble in water and ethanol. It is not heat resistant. It is very unstable in alkaline solution. It is easy to oxidize and destroy after sunlight exposure. It is easier to oxidize and decompose when heavy metal ions such as copper and iron exist, and it is more stable under dry condition. Therefore, vitamin C preparation should be kept in dry, low temperature and light - free place. When cooking vegetables, it is not suitable to burn and boil over and avoid contact with alkali and copper.
Vitamin C has a strong reducibility. It can be divided into reducibility and dehydrogenation. The reduced type ascorbic acid can reduce the dye 2,6- two chlorophenol indophenol (DCPIP), and it itself is oxidized to dehydrogenation. In the acid solution, the 2,6- two chlorophenol indophenol is red and becomes colorless after reduction. Therefore, when the acid solution containing vitamin C is titrated with this dye, the vitamin C has not been compley oxidized, then the dripping dye is immediay reduced to colorless. Once the vitamin C in the solution has been compley oxidized, the drop of the dye immediay turns the solution into pink. So, when the solution is turned from colorless to a reddish color, it means that the vitamin C in the solution has just been oxidized, that is, the end point of the titration. If there is no other impurities, sample extraction reduced with standard dye content and sample liquid reduction in ascorbic acid is proportional to the.
Experimental reagents
1.2% oxalic acid solution: oxalic acid 2G was dissolved in 100mL distilled water.
2.1% oxalic acid solution: oxalic acid 1g was dissolved in 100mL distilled water.
3. standard ascorbic acid solution (1mg/mL): accuray call 100mg pure ascorbic acid (should be clean white, such as yellow can not be used) dissolved in 1% oxalic acid solution, and diluted to 100mL, stored in brown bottles, refrigerated. It is best to prepare before use.
4. 0.1% 2,6- two chlorophenol indophenol solution: 250mg 2,6- two chlorophenol indophenol dissolved in 150mL containing 52mg NaHCO3 in the hot water, cooling after diluted with water to 250mL, stored in a brown bottle of cold (4 C) can be preserved for a week. The standard ascorbic acid solution was calibrated at each time of use.
ビタミンCは主に新鮮な果物や野菜の中に存在します。果物の中で、キウイの含有量が一番多く、レモン、オレンジとオレンジの中の含有量もとても豊富で、野菜の唐辛子の中の含有量がzuiも豊富で、トマト、カンラン、大根、野菜の中の含有量も非常に豊富で、野生植物は十六夜薔薇の中の含有量がzuiも豊富、ひゃくグラムごとに含む2800 mg、ビタミンCが「王」と呼ばれる。ビタミンCは無色結晶、味の酸、水に溶け、エタノール、耐熱、アルカリ性溶液中で不安定で、日光の照射後易酸化され破壊、微量銅や鉄などの重金屬のイオンが存在しない時に更に易酸化分解、乾燥條件の下では比較的安定。だからビタミンC製剤は置いて乾燥して、低溫と光を避けるため所に保存して;調理野菜にするべきで、煮すぎとの接觸を避ける必要がありアルカリと銅器。
ビタミンCは強い還元性を持っています。それは還元性と脫水素型に分けられる。まだ原型アスコルビン酸に還元でき染料2、6 - 2氯酚deanノール(DCPIP)、自分は酸化をデヒドロ型。酸性溶液中で、に、ろく- 2氯酚deanフェノールの色は赤、還元後が無色。そのため、この染料でビタミンCの酸性溶液を含んでいる場合、ビタミンCがすべて酸化されていない場合には、下の染料はすぐに無色に還元されます。溶液中のビタミンCがすべて酸化された時、垂れ落ちた染料はすぐに溶液をピンク色に変える。だから、溶液が無色から微赤色になるとき、溶液中のビタミンCが全部酸化されているということを表す。他の雑質な妨害がないように、サンプル抽出液に還元された標準染料量はサンプルの中に含まれています。
いち. 2%酸溶液:蓚酸2 g 100mL蒸留水に溶けて。
に. 1%酸溶液:1 g蓚酸100mL蒸留水に溶けて。
さん.標準アスコルビン酸溶液(1mg / mL)を正確によると:100 mgの純アスコルビン酸(は清潔な白、黃色になっては使えない)が溶け1%酸溶液中で、そして希釈から100mL、貯は茶色の瓶、冷蔵。前に配用したほうがいいです。
よんしよ. 0 . 1%に、ろく- 2氯酚deanフェノール溶液:250 mgに、ろく- 2氯酚deanフェノール溶け150mL 52 mg含まれていNaHCO3の湯の中で冷卻後水希釈から250mL、貯は茶色の瓶冷蔵(よんしよ℃)約1週間保存。使用時には、標準抗悪血酸溶液で表示されます。
1 .抽出
水洗きれいに新鮮な野菜や全體本全體の新鮮な果物、ガーゼや吸水紙たら表面水分。そしてを20 gと、加入20mL 2%草酸、すり鉢研磨で、四階のガーゼで濾過して、濾液予備。ガーゼが少量2%蓚酸洗って何度、合併濾液、濾液総體積定容量から50mL。
2 .標準液滴定
アスコルビン酸溶液を標準正確1mL置100mL円錐瓶に加え、1%9mL草酸、マイクロビュレットで0 . 1 %に、ろく- 2氯酚deanフェノール溶液塗定から薄紅を保持15s色褪せない、つまりはゴール。は用染料の體積を計算し1mL染料數に相當ミリグラムアスコルビン酸(1%を10mL蓚酸作空白とは対照的に、上記の方法滴定)。
3 .サンプルの滴定
4 .計算する
1 .いくつかの果物、野菜(例えばオレンジ、トマトなど)ゼリー狀物バブルすぎ、加數滴ブタノールやオクタノール。
2 .全體の操作の過程は迅速にする必要があります。滴定過程を超えない2min一般。滴定用の染料すべきではない1mLや4mL未満上回って、もしサンプルビタミンCが高すぎてあるいは低すぎる時、適宜増減よう液用量または変更の抽出液希釈度。
水洗干凈成樖新鮮蔬菜或者成新鮮生果,用紗布或者嗍水紙吸干表面水分。然后稱羅20g,加20mL 2%草酸,用研缽研磨,四層紗布隔,濾液士啤。紗布可用少量2%草酸洗幾次,合并濾液,濾液總體積定容至50mL。
準確吸取標準抗壞血酸溶液1mL置100mL錐形瓶中,加9mL 1%草酸,用微量滴定管以0.1% 2,6-二氯酚靛酚溶液滴定至淡紅色,并保持15s禁色,即達終點。由所用染料嘅體積計算出1mL染料相當于幾多毫克抗壞血酸(羅10mL 1%草酸作空白對照,跟住以上方法滴定)。
準確吸取濾液兩份,每份10mL,分別就放入2個錐形支內,滴定方法同前。另外,攞10mL 1%草酸作空白對照滴定。
1. extraction
Wash the whole plant fresh vegetables or whole fresh fruit and dry the surface water with gauze or water absorbent paper. Then weigh 20g, adding 2% 20mL oxalic acid, with a mortar grinding, four layers of gauze filtration, the filtrate of standby. The gauze can be washed a few times with a small amount of 2% oxalic acid, and the filtrate is combined. The total volume of the filtrate is fixed to 50mL.
2. standard liquid titration
Accurate standard ascorbic acid solution 1mL draw 100mL conical flask, add 1% 9mL oxalic acid, with microburet at 0.1% 2,6- two chlorophenol indophenol solution titration to light red, and 15s do not fade, reached the end point. The amount of 1mL dyestuff is calculated by the volume of the dye used, which is equivalent to how many milligrams of ascorbic acid (taking 10mL 1% oxalic acid as a blank control, titrated by the above method).
3. sample titration
Accurate absorbed filtrate of two copies, each 10mL, 2 were placed in the Erlenmeyer flask with titration method. 10mL 1% oxalic acid was also taken as a blank control titration.
4. calculation
In the formula: VA is the average milliliter of the dye used for the titration of the sample;
VB is the average milliliter of the dyestuff used to titrate the blank control.
C is the total milliliter of the sample extract.
D is the number of milliliters of the sample extracted from the titration.
T can oxidize the number of milligrams of ascorbic acid for 1mL dye (calculated by operation two);
W is the weight of the sample to be measured (g).
Matters needing attention
1. some fruits and vegetables (such as oranges, tomatoes) paste bubble too much, can the addend drop or butanol octanol.
2. the entire operation process should be rapid to prevent the oxidation of the reductive ascorbic acid. The titration process is generally not more than 2min. The dye used for titration should not be less than 1mL or more than 4mL. If the sample contains vitamin C too high or too low, it can increase or decrease the amount of sample liquid or change the dilution of extract.
3. the extracted pulp is not easy to filter and can be centrifuged, and the supernatant is titrated.
1. PBSPH7.2,9mmol/L磷酸鹽緩沖液含140mmol/L NaCl。
2. PBS-Tween pH7.2 PBS含0.05%Tween20,簡稱PBS-T。
3.底物溶液:100mL 2mmol/L ABTS溶液中含100mmol/L醋酸鈉,50mmol/L磷酸鈉,2.5mmol/L H2O2。
4.沉淀劑:①:100mL pH8.0,20mmoL/L Tris-甘氨酸-HCl緩沖液中含20g PEG 4 000,0.8g Rivanol;沉淀劑②:100mLpH2.0.100mmol/L甘氨酸-HCl緩沖液中含20g PEG4000。
1)喺微量反應黑中加100uL 2mol/L HCl與100uL EDTA抗凝血漿撈,室溫5h。加HCl后血漿pH值喺1.0-1.5之間。上清用4倍體積嘅0.29mol/L Tris較到pH7.1-7.4。
3)喺微量反應黑中加100uL沉淀劑②(血漿pH值喺4.0-4.5之間)。室溫30min。用方法2)同方法3)沉淀C5之后,上清加4倍體積嘅含0.05%Tween二十pH7,10.21mol/L Tris-HCl緩沖液,血漿畀稀釋10倍。
4.標準曲線嘅繪制:羅已知濃度純化嘅C5a,對倍稀釋成一系列唔同嘅濃度(0.039-5.000ng/mL),分別就加包畀有抗C5aMcAb嘅酵素標黑中,然后按上述方法依次加兔抗人C5a-IgC同過氧化物酵素偶聯(lián)嘅豬抗兔IgC同過氧化物酵素嘅底物,以PBS-Tween調零點,讀取OD40s/min增加量,以C5a(desarg)濃度為橫坐標,OD40s/minx 200為縱坐標繪制標準曲線。次次繪制標準曲線應攞6個已知濃度嘅純化C5a。