Highly specific ELISA which does not detect vasopressin, providing confidence in assay results
Ultra-sensitive measurement, detecting as little as 15pg/ml oxytocin
Cost effective solution, faster and less costly than LC/MS
Easy-to-use liquid color-coded reagents and pre-coated plates minimizes errors
Widely published in peer reviewed literature
The Oxytocin EIA kit is a colorimetric competitive enzyme immunoassay kit with results overnight + 1 hour. Absorbance is read at 405 nm. Very low reactivity with vasopressin provides confidence in assay results. Sensitive quantification of 15pg/mL oxytocin. Ready-to-use liquid color-coded reagents reduce errors in the lab.
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Product Details
Sensitivity: | 15pg/ml (range 15.6 - 1,000 pg/ml) |
Assay Time: | Overnight + 1 hour |
Applications: | ELISA, Colorimetric detection
Application Notes: | For the quantitative determination of Oxytocin in culture supernatants, milk, plasma, and serum from any species. Validated sample types include cerebral spinal fluid, saliva, tissue and urine. |
Wavelength: | 405 nm |
Species reactivity: | Species independent
Crossreactivity: | Mesotocin (7%), Oxytocin (100%), Arg8-Vasotocin (7.5%), and <0.02% for other related molecules. |
Use/Stability: | Store all components at +4°C, except standard and conjugate at -20°C. |
Shipping: | Shipped on Blue Ice |
Contents: | GxR IgG Microtiter plate, Conjugate, Antibody, Assay buffer, Wash buffer concentrate, Standard, pNpp Substrate, Stop solution |
Scientific Background: | Oxytocin is a neurohypophysial peptide which is produced in the paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus and stored in the posterior pituitary. The molecule consists of nine amino acids linked with a [1-6] disulfide bond and a semi-flexible carboxyamidated tail. A hormone once thought to be limited to female smooth muscle reproductive physiology, more current findings have determined that oxytocin also functions as a neurotransmitter, may be involved in neuropsychiatric disorders, social/sexual behavior, and is important in male reproductive physiology. Oxytocin and the related neurohypophysial peptide, Arg-Vasopressin, maintain renal water and sodium balance. |
Technical Info/Product Notes: | Cited samples: Hormone ELISAs: Cited Samples Wildlife Endocrinology: Cited Sample Types
The Oxytocin ELISA kit has been extensively benchmarked for behavioral studies with plasma samples from a variety of species. Featured in: Frontiers in Neuroscience - Validation of a commercially available enzyme immunoassay for the determination of oxytocin in plasma samples from seven domestic animal species. |
UniProt ID: | P01178 (human) |
Regulatory Status: | RUO - Research Use Only |
Compatibility: | This product is compatible with the Absorbance 96 Plate Reader.
Product Literature References
An improved sample extraction method reveals that plasma receptor for advanced glycation end-products (RAGE) modulates circulating free oxytocin in mice: S.M. Cherepanov, et al.; Peptides 146, 170649 (2021), Abstract;
Autism-associated biomarkers: test–retest reliability and relationship to quantitative social trait variation in rhesus monkeys: O. Oztan, et al.; Mol. Autism 12, 13229 (2021), Abstract;
Beta-Carotene derivatives as novel therapy for the prevention and treatment of autistic symptoms: Y. Avraham, et al.; Bioorg. Chem. 115, 105224 (2021), Application(s): ELISA using mouse serum, Abstract;
Beta-Carotene derivatives as novel therapy for the prevention and treatment of autistic symptoms: Y. Avraham, et al.; Bioorg. Chem. 115, 105224 (2021), Application(s): ELISA using mouse serum, Abstract;
CAPS2 deficiency impairs the release of the social peptide, oxytocin, as well as oxytocin-associated social behavior: S. Fujima, et al.; J. Neurosci. 1523, 3240 (2021), Abstract;
Effects of playing Angklung and practicing silence on emotion, cognition and oxytocin levels in children: a preliminary study: M.M. Maramis, et al.; Maays. J. Med. Sci. 28, 105 (2021), Application(s): ELISA using human saliva, Abstract; Full Text
Effects of playing Angklung and practicing silence on emotion, cognition and oxytocin levels in children: a preliminary study: M.M. Maramis, et al.; Maays. J. Med. Sci. 28, 105 (2021), Application(s): ELISA using human saliva, Abstract; Full Text
Enhancement of oxytocin in the medial prefrontal cortex reverses behavioral deficits induced by repeated ketamine administration in mice: W. Zhu, et al.; Front. Neurosci. 15, 723064 (2021), Application(s): ELISA using mouse plasma, Abstract; Full Text
Enhancement of oxytocin in the medial prefrontal cortex reverses behavioral deficits induced by repeated ketamine administration in mice: W. Zhu, et al.; Front. Neurosci. 15, 723064 (2021), Application(s): ELISA using mouse plasma, Abstract; Full Text
Hormonal and Neurological Aspects of Dog Walking for Dog Owners and Pet Dogs: J. Akiyama & M. Ohta; Animals 11, 2732 (2021), Abstract;
OXTR-Related Markers in Clinical Depression: a Longitudinal Case–Control Psychotherapy Study: I.C. Reiner, et al.; J. Mol. Neurosci. (2021), Abstract;
OXTR-Related Markers in Clinical Depression: a Longitudinal Case–Control Psychotherapy Study: I.C. Reiner, et al.; J. Mol. Neurosci. (2021), Abstract;
Oxytocin in the anterior cingulate cortex attenuates neuropathic pain and emotional anxiety by inhibiting presynaptic long-term potentiation: X. H. Li, et al.; Cell Rep. 36, 109411 (2021), Abstract;
Oxytocin in young children with Prader-Willi syndrome: Results of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial investigating 3 months of oxytocin: L. Damen, et al.; Clin. Endocrinol. 94, 774 (2021), Application(s): ELISA using human plasma, Abstract; Full Text
Oxytocin in young children with Prader-Willi syndrome: Results of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial investigating 3 months of oxytocin: L. Damen, et al.; Clin. Endocrinol. 94, 774 (2021), Application(s): ELISA using human plasma, Abstract; Full Text
Oxytocin levels in response to pituitary provocation tests in healthy volunteers: C.O. Sailer, et al.; Eur. J. Endocrinol. 185, 355 (2021), Application(s): ELISA using human plasma, Abstract;
Oxytocin levels in response to pituitary provocation tests in healthy volunteers: C.O. Sailer, et al.; Eur. J. Endocrinol. 185, 355 (2021), Application(s): ELISA using human plasma, Abstract;
Oxytocin, cortisol, and cognitive control during acute and naturalistic stress: S. Kuchenbecker, et al.; Stress (2021), Abstract;
Pain relief associated with decreased oxyhemoglobin level in left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex: S. Miyashiro, et al.; PLoS One 16, e0256626 (2021), Application(s): ELISA using human saliva, Abstract; Full Text
Pain relief associated with decreased oxyhemoglobin level in left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex: S. Miyashiro, et al.; PLoS One 16, e0256626 (2021), Application(s): ELISA using human saliva, Abstract; Full Text
Specificity of plasma oxytocin immunoassays: A comparison of commercial assays and sample preparation techniques using oxytocin knockout and wildtype mice: G.E. Gnanadesikan, et al.; Psychoneuroendocrinology 132, 105368 (2021), Application(s): Unextracted and extracted mouse plasma, Abstract;
Storytelling increases oxytocin and positive emotions and decreases cortisol and pain in hospitalized children: G. Brockington, et al.; PNAS 118, e2018409118 (2021), Application(s): ELISA using human saliva, Abstract; Full Text
Storytelling increases oxytocin and positive emotions and decreases cortisol and pain in hospitalized children: G. Brockington, et al.; PNAS 118, e2018409118 (2021), Application(s): ELISA using human saliva, Abstract; Full Text
The Mechanism of the Solute-Free Water Reabsorption Increase in the Rat Kidney by Oxytocin Saluresis: Y.V. Natochin, et al.; Dokl Biochem Biophys 497, 190 (2021), Abstract;
Validation of a newly generated oxytocin antibody for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays: K. Murata, et al.; J. Vet. Med. Sci. 83, 478 (2021), Abstract; Full Text
“Live together, die alone": The effect of re-socialization on behavioural performance and social-affective brain-related proteins after a long-term chronic social isolation stress: D. Rivera, et al.; Neurobiol. Stress 14, 100289 (2021), Abstract;
Breastfeeding Dynamically Changes Endogenous Oxytocin Levels and Emotion Recognition in Mothers: M. Matsunaga, et al.; Biol. Lett. 16, 20200139 (2020), Abstract; Full Text
Dysregulation of oxytocin and dopamine in the corticostriatal circuitry in bipolar II disorder: S. Wei, et al.; Transl. Psychiatry 10, 281 (2020), Abstract; Full Text
Maternal responsivity and oxytocin in opioid-dependent mothers: K.M. Daigle, et al.; Dev. Psychobiol. 62, 21 (2020), Abstract;
Neonatal CSF vasopressin concentration predicts later medical record diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder: O. Oztan, et al.; PNAS 117, 10609 (2020), Abstract; Full Text
Amygdala–Hippocampal Connectivity Is Associated With Endogenous Levels of Oxytocin and Can Be Altered by Exogenously Administered Oxytocin in Adults With Autism: K. Alaerts, et al.; Biol. Psychiatry 4, 655 (2019), Abstract;
Analytical validation of an Enzyme Immunoassay for the measurement of urinary oxytocin in dogs and wolves: F.S. Schaebs, et al.; Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 281, 73 (2019), Application(s): Extensive validation using canine urine, Abstract;
Changes in salivary oxytocin levels and bonding disorder in women from late pregnancy to early postpartum: A pilot study: E. Shishido, et al.; PLoS One 14, e0221821 (2019), Abstract;
Child’s oxytocin response to mother-child interaction: The contribution of child genetics and maternal behavior: R. Bai?o, et al.; Psychoneuroendocrinology 102, 79 (2019), Abstract;
Circulating levels of oxytocin may be elevated in complicated grief: a pilot study: E. Bui, et al.; Eur. J. Psychotraumatol. 10, 1646603 (2019), Abstract;
Circulating Oxytocin Is Genetically Determined and Associated With Obesity and Impaired Glucose Tolerance: M.F.J. Weingarten, et al.; J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 104, 5621 (2019), Abstract;
Daily oxytocin patterns in relation to psychopathy and childhood trauma in residential youth: I. Fragkaki, et al.; Psychoneuroendocrinology 102, 105 (2019), Abstract;
Different oxytocin responses to acute methamphetamine treatment in juvenile female rats perinatally exposed to stress and/or methamphetamine administration: A. Holubova, et al.; Front. Physiol. 10, 305 (2019), Application(s): ELISA using rat plasma, Abstract; Full Text
Effects of Camellia Sinensis Extract on Repeated Restraint Stress-Induced Ovariectomized Female Rats: M. Ye, et al.; BioMed Res. Int. 2019, 1926352 (2019), Abstract;
Effects of Environmental Enrichment in Maternally Separated Rats: Age and Sex-Specific Outcomes: R. Doreste, et al.; Front. Behav. Neurosci. 13, 198 (2019), Abstract;
ERP study on the associations of peripheral oxytocin and prolactin with inhibitory processes involving emotional distraction: S. Hayashi, et al.; J. Physiol. Anthropol. 38, 5 (2019), Abstract; Full Text
High oxytocin infants gain more mass with no additional maternal energetic costs in wild grey seals (Halichoerus grypus): K.J. Robinson, et al.; Psychoneuroendocrinology 110, 104423 (2019), Abstract;
Hyperprolactinemic African elephant (Loxodonta africana) females exhibit elevated dopamine, oxytocin and serotonin concentrations compared to normal cycling and noncycling, low prolactin elephants: N. A Prado, et al.; Biol. Reprod. 100, 1549 (2019), Abstract;
Maternal nicotinamide riboside enhances postpartum weight loss, juvenile offspring development, and neurogenesis of adult offspring: P.H. Ear, et al.; Cell Rep. 26, 969 (2019), Application(s): ELISA using mouse and rat plasma samples, Abstract;
Nanoparticle encapsulation increases the brain penetrance and duration of action of intranasal oxytocin: A. Oppong-Damoah, et al.; Horm. Behav. 108, 20 (2019), Application(s): ELISA using mouse CSF and plasma, Abstract;
Oxytocin reactivity to an emotional challenge paradigm and its relation to social-cognitive functions in healthy volunteers: N. Kampka, et al.; J. Neural. Transm. (Vienna) 126, 211 (2019), Application(s): ELISA using human plasma, Abstract;
Oxytocin, vasopressin and trust: Associations with aggressive behavior in healthy young males: Y.R. Berends, et al.; Physiol. Behav. 204, 180 (2019), Abstract;
Plasma oxytocin and vasopressin levels in young and older men and women: Functional relationships with attachment and cognition: G. Plasencia, et al.; Psychoneuroendocrinology 110, 104419 (2019), Abstract;
The role of oxytocin in early mother-infant interactions: Variations in maternal affect attunement: G. Markova & B. Siposova; Infant Behav. Dev. 55, 58 (2019), Abstract;
BDNF levels are associated with autistic traits in the general population: N. Brondino, et al.; Psychoneuroendocrinology 89, 131 (2018), Application(s): Blood Samples, Abstract;
Effects of breast stimulation for spontaneous onset of labor on salivary oxytocin levels in low-risk pregnant women: A feasibility study: K. Takahata, et al.; PLoS One 13, e0192757 (2018), Abstract; Full Text
Facial expression and oxytocin as possible markers of positive emotions in horses: L. Lansade, et al.; Sci. Rep. 8, 14680 (2018), Application(s): Extracted horse blood, Abstract; Full Text
Gut microbiota varies by opioid use, circulating leptin and oxytocin in African American men with diabetes and high burden of chronic disease: E. Barengolts, et al.; PLoS One 13, e0194171 (2018), Application(s): Human urine, Abstract; Full Text
Imaging correlates of behavioral impairments: An experimental PET study in the rat pilocarpine epilepsy model: V. Di Liberto, et al.; Neurobiol. Dis. 118, 9 (2018), Application(s): ELISA using rat serum, Abstract;
Intranasal oxytocin attenuates reactive and ongoing, chronic pain in a model of mild traumatic brain injury: A.C. Meidahl, et al.; Headache 58, 545 (2018), Application(s): ELISA using a variety of rat tissues, Abstract;
Is the serum oxytocin level altered by treatment in rheumatoid arthritis patients complicated with depression?: Y. Miwa, et al.; Eur. J. Rheumatol. 5, 22 (2018), Application(s): ELISA using human serum, Abstract; Full Text
Oxytocin is lower in African American men with diabetes and associates with psycho-social and metabolic health factors: Y. Eisenberg, et al.; PLoS One. 13, e0190301 (2018), Application(s): Oxytocin levels in human urine, Abstract;
Providing straw to allow exploratory behaviour in a pig experimental system does not modify putative indicators of positive welfare: peripheral oxytocin and serotonin: M. Marcet Rius, et al.; Animal 12, 2138 (2018), Application(s): Serotonin levels in pig plasma, Abstract;
The Effects of Equine Assisted Therapy on Plasma Cortisol and Oxytocin Concentrations and Heart Rate Variability in Horses and Measures of Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Veterans: K. Malinkowski, et al.; J. Equine Vet. Sci. 64, 17 (2018), Application(s): Horse plasma, Abstract;
Validation of salivary oxytocin and vasopressin as biomarkers in domestic dogs: E.L. MacLean, et al.; J. Neurosci. Methods 293, 67 (2018), Application(s): ELISA using dog saliva, Abstract;
Variable oxytocin levels in humans with different degrees of obesity and impact of gastric bypass surgery: Z. Pataky, et al.; Int. J. Obes. 43, 1120 (2018), Abstract;
A comparison of methods to measure central and peripheral oxytocin concentrations in human and non-human primates: A. Lefevre, et al.; Sci. Rep. 7, 17222 (2017), Application(s): Oxytocin in CSF and plasma in humans and primates, Abstract; Full Text
A statistical method to calculate blood contamination in the measurement of salivary hormones in healthy women: G.A. Behr, et al.; Clin. Biochem. 50, 436 (2017), Application(s): Serum and salivary hormonal levels were determined, Abstract;
Biomarker discovery for disease status and symptom severity in children with autism: O. Oztan, et al.; Psychoneuroendocrinology 89, 39 (2017), Abstract;
Orexin action on oxytocin neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus: Y. Maejima, et al.; Neuroreport 28, 360 (2017), Application(s): Rat cells supernatant, Abstract;
Oxytocin and Cortisol Levels in Dog Owners and Their Dogs Are Associated with Behavioral Patterns: An Exploratory Study: M. Petersson, et al.; Front. Psychol. 8, 1796 (2017), Application(s): Dog plasma, Abstract; Full Text
Oxytocin and Social Bonds: The Role of Oxytocin in Perceptions of Romantic Partners' Bonding Behavior: S.B. Algoe, et al.; Psychol. Sci. 28, 1763 (2017), Application(s): Human urine samples, Abstract; Full Text
Sex differences in associations of arginine vasopressin and oxytocin with resting-state functional brain connectivity: L.H. Rubin, et al.; J. Neurosci. Res. 95, 576 (2017), Application(s): Human serum samples, Abstract; Full Text
A Cohort Study of the Level of Plasma Oxytocin associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Japanese Males, Females and Pregnant Females: Y. Sano, et al.; Clin. Med. Biochemistry 2, 113 (2016), Application(s): Oxytocin levels were measured in human plasma samples, Full Text
A Novel Mutant Allele of Pw1/Peg3 Does Not Affect Maternal Behavior or Nursing Behavior: A.L. Denizot, et al.; PLoS Genet. 12, e1006053 (2016), Application(s): OT concentration mouse plasma, Abstract; Full Text
Can hypoxia enhance sexual arousal?-Molecular-biological analysis of the hypothalamus in male rats placed with oestrous female rats under hypoxic conditions-: H. Inoue, et al.; Int. J. Clin. Exp. Med. 9, 19512 (2016), Application(s): Serum oxytoxin, Full Text
Chronic Methamphetamine Self-Administration Dysregulates Oxytocin Plasma Levels and Oxytocin Receptor Fibre Density in the Nucleus Accumbens Core and Subthalamic Nucleus of the Rat: S.J. Baracz, et al.; J. Neuroendocrinol. 28, (2016), Application(s): Rat plasma, Abstract;
Comparing oxytocin and cortisol regulation in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, hydrocortisone challenge pilot study in children with autism and typical development: B.A. Corbett, et al.; J. Neurodev. Disord. 8, 32 (2016), Application(s): Oxytocin assay, human samples, Abstract; Full Text
Evaluation of an antenatal acupuncture intervention as an adjunct therapy for antenatal depression (AcuAnteDep): study protocol for a pragmatic randomised controlled trial: S.M. Ornsby, et al.; Trials 17, 93 (2016), Application(s): Oxytocin levels were measured in saliva samples, Abstract; Full Text