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堆密度計/振實密度計/粉抹性狀測定儀/粉體密度測試儀/顆??障抖确治鰞x/振實密度測定儀/藥物末流動性測定儀 德國 型號:TDJK1/PTG-S3 貨號:ZH3995
振實密度計, 美國藥典、歐洲藥典、德國藥典等標準。
250ml/100ml 量筒,LED 顯示
振動次數(shù), 自動控制。
振動頻率: 250 ± 10 次/分鐘
振動高度:3.0 ± 0.1 mm
振動次數(shù): 1-9999 之間可調(diào)。
可測6個參數(shù): 流動性,流動時間, 休止角 ,密度,體積, 流動性重量曲線。
RS 232 接口和打印機接口。
TDJK1/PTG-S3 Powder Testing System to test 6 different powder characteristisc, flow-time, cone angle, flowability acc. toEP/DAB pharmacopoeia, cone density, cone volume, powder flow chart. The PTG S3 system includes a built-in Sartorius precision balance cell, maximum range 510 g, 1 mg resolution and a built-in thermo printer. The user is guided by a LCD display through the operation task, foil cover alpha numerical keyboard to enter test descriptions, operating program selection, RS-232 data interface and printer port, incl. 100 ml powder funnel, 1 set of pouringnozzles 6,8,10 mm, powder receipt and overflow receiptplate, EP conical stainless steel funnel, 10,15 and 25 mmpouring nozzle and stirrer insert, instrument suitable toperform flowability test according to EP/DABpharmacopoeiaTest program and measuring ranges:
- cone angle: 0.5° - 45.0°
- flow time: 0.1s to 1 h
- adjust funnel opening time: 1 s - 10 min.
- flowability: 100.0 g of powder- density: 0.001 g/ml - 9.999 g/ml
- volume: 0.1 ml - 999.0 ml
- powder weight flow chart: 0.1 g - 500 G