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北京恒瑞天創(chuàng)機(jī)電設(shè)備有限公司>>愛爾蘭化學(xué)試劑/檢測(cè)試劑盒>>進(jìn)口愛爾蘭檢疫試劑盒>> K-BGLU北京Betaβ-葡聚糖混聯(lián)檢測(cè)試劑盒愛爾蘭


  • 北京Betaβ-葡聚糖混聯(lián)檢測(cè)試劑盒愛爾蘭
參考價(jià) 面議
  • 型號(hào) K-BGLU
  • 品牌
  • 廠商性質(zhì) 代理商
  • 所在地 北京市
在線詢價(jià) 收藏產(chǎn)品

更新時(shí)間:2018-07-31 11:15:46瀏覽次數(shù):608








英文名:Beta-Glucan (Mixed Linkage) Assay Kit 





名稱 比例
Lichenase 1瓶(玻璃) 
β-葡萄糖苷酶 1瓶(玻璃) 
葡萄糖標(biāo)準(zhǔn)溶液 1瓶(玻璃) 
大麥控制面粉 1瓶(塑料) 
燕麥控制面粉 1瓶(塑料) 
葡萄糖測(cè)定試劑 1瓶(玻璃) 
葡萄糖試劑緩沖 1瓶(聚丙烯)

Catalogue Number: K-BGLU
Content: 100 assays per kit

Appearance Three glass vials plus two plastic vials.
Specific Gravity Not applicable
Solubility in Water Most components readily soluble.
pH Value neutral
Odour none
Form Powders and liquid.
Stability stable in a refrigerator for ten or more years
Ingredients Name CAS Proportion
Lichenase 1 vial (glass)
b-Glucosidase 1 vial (glass)
Glucose Standard solution 1 vial (glass)
Barley Control Flour 1 vial (plastic)
Oat Control Flour 1 vial (plastic)
Glucose Determination reagent 1 vial (glass)
Glucose Reagent Buffer 1 vial (polypropylene)

The assay is specific for mixed-linkage [(1-3)(1-4)]-b-D-glucan.
Kits suitable for performing 100 assays are available from Megazyme.
The kits contain the full assay method plus:
Bottle 1: Lichenase [specific, endo-(1-3)(1-4)-b-D-glucan
4-glucanohydrolase] suspension (1 mL, 1,000 U/mL).
Stable for > 3 years at 4°C.
Bottle 2: b-Glucosidase (1 mL, 40 U/mL) suspension.
Stable for > 3 years at 4°C.
Bottle 3: GOPOD Reagent Buffer. Potassium phosphate
buffer (1 M, pH 7.4), p-hydroxybenzoic acid (0.22 M)
and sodium azide (0.4 % w/w). Stable for > 3 years
at 4°C.
Bottle 4: GOPOD Reagent Enzymes. Glucose oxidase
(> 12,000 U) plus peroxidase (> 650 U) and
4-aminoantipyrine (80 mg). Freeze-dried powder.
Stable for > 5 years at -20°C.
Bottle 5: D-Glucose standard solution (5 mL, 1.0 mg/mL) in
0.2 % (w/v) benzoic acid.
Stable for > 5 years at room temperature.
Bottle 6: Standardised barley flour control. b-Glucan content
shown on vial label.
Stable for > 5 years at room temperature.
Bottle 7: Standardised oat flour control. b-Glucan content
shown on vial label.
Stable for > 5 years at room temperature.
1. Dilute the contents of bottle 1 (lichenase) to 20.0 mL with
20 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 6.5). Divide into
appropriay sized aliquots and store in polypropylene tubes at
-20°C between use and keep cool during use if possible.
Stable for > 2 years at -20°C.
2. Dilute the entire contents of bottle 2 (b-glucosidase) to
20.0 mL with 50 mM sodium acetate buffer (pH 4.0). Divide
into appropriay sized aliquots and store in polypropylene
tubes at -20°C between use and keep cool during use if
possible. Stable for > 2 years at -20°C.
3. Dilute the contents of bottle 3 (GOPOD Reagent Buffer) to
1 L with distilled water. Use immediay.
NOTE: It is imperative that the lichenase is not crosscontaminated
with b-glucosidase.
4. Dissolve the contents of bottle 4 in 20 mL of solution 3
and quantitatively transfer this to the bottle containing the
remainder of solution 3. Cover this bottle with aluminium
1. If the concentrated buffer is stored at -20°C, it will form salt
crystals that must be compley dissolved when this buffer is
diluted to 1 L with distilled water.
2. This buffer contains 0.4 % (w/v) sodium azide. This is a
poisonous chemical and should be treated accordingly.
foil to protect the enclosed reagent from light. This is
Glucose Determination Reagent (GOPOD Reagent).
Stable for ~ 3 months at 2-5°C or > 12 months at -20°C.
If this reagent is to be stored in the frozen state, preferably it
should be divide into aliquots that should be freeze/thawed
only once during use.
When the reagent is freshly prepared it may be light yellow
or light pink in colour. It will develop a stronger pink
colour over 2-3 months at 4°C. The absorbance of this
solution should be less than 0.05 when read against distilled
1. Sodium phosphate buffer (20 mM, pH 6.5)
Dissolve 3.12 g of sodium dihydrogen orthophosphate dihydrate
(NaH2PO4.2H2O) in 900 mL of distilled water and adjust the
pH to 6.5 by the addition of 100 mM sodium hydroxide (4 g/L)
[approx. 50 mL is required]. Adjust the volume to 1 L. Add 0.2 g
of sodium azide. Stable for 2 months at 4°C.
2. Sodium acetate buffer (50 mM, pH 4.0)
Add 2.9 mL of glacial acetic acid to 900 mL of distilled water.
Adjust to pH 4.0 by the addition of 1 M sodium hydroxide
solution. Adjust the volume to 1 L. Add 0.2 g sodium azide.
Stable for 2 months at 4°C.
3. Sodium acetate buffer (200 mM, pH 4.0)
Add 11.6 mL of glacial acetic acid to 900 mL of distilled water.
Adjust to pH 4.0 by the addition of 1 M sodium hydroxide
solution. Adjust the volume to 1 L. Add 0.2 g sodium azide.
Stable for 2 months at 4°C.
1. Polypropylene tubes/containers with caps (35.0 mL capacity).
2. Glass test-tubes (12 mL capacity).
3. Micro-pipettors, e.g. Gilson Pipetman® (100 μL and 200 μL).
4. Positive displacement pipettor e.g. Eppendorf Multipette®
- with 5.0 mL Combitip® (to dispense 0.1 mL aliquots of
buffer and buffered b-glucosidase solution).
5. Adjustable-volume 0-5.0 mL (for phosphate buffer).
dispensers 3.0 mL (for glucose oxidase/
peroxidase reagent).
0-25.0 mL (for distilled water).
6. Laboratory oven.
7. Analytical and top-pan balances.
8. Spectrophotometer set at 510 nm (see point 1 under Useful Hints).
9. Vortex mixer.
10. Thermostated water bath set at 40°C (or 50°C for
the Streamlined Method as detailed on pages 10-13).
11. Stop watch.
12. Whatman No. 41 filter circles.
13. Centrifuge (in conjunction with preparation of malt,wort and beer).
14. Laboratory mill with 0.5 mm screen (e.g. Frisch pulverisette 14®).
15. Boiling water bath.
1. With each set of determinations, reagent blanks and D-glucose
standards of 50 μg and/or 100 μg are included, in duplicate.
The reagent blank comprises 0.1 mL distilled water + 0.1 mL
sodium acetate buffer + 3.0 mL of GOPOD Reagent
The glucose standards comprises 0.1 mL sodium acetate
buffer + 0.1 mL D-glucose standard (50 μg/0.1 mL or 100 μg/0.1
mL) + 3.0 mL GOPOD Reagent
2. With each set of determinations at least one standard barley
flour is also included.
3. With each new batch of GOPOD Reagent the time for
maximum colour formation with 100 μg of D-glucose standard
should be checked. This is usually approx. 15 min.
4. It is imperative that the lichenase enzyme preparation
is not cross-contaminated with the b-glucosidase
preparation (the reverse is not a problem).

多糖/聚糖/多聚糖 數(shù)量 
Arabinan(sugar beet) 100128000 阿拉伯聚糖[甜菜] 8g P-ARAB 
Debranched Arabinan(sugar beet) 100128001 脫克阿拉伯聚糖[甜菜] 2g P-ARAB 
Linear 1,5-a-L-Arabinan(sugar beet) 100128002 Linear 1,5-a-L-阿拉伯聚糖[甜菜] 500mg P-LARB 
CM-Linear 1,5-a-L-Arabinan(sugar beet) 100128003 CM-Linear 1,5-a-L-阿拉伯聚糖[甜菜] 2vials P-CMLA 
Arabinogalactan(larch wood) 100128004 阿拉伯半乳糖[落葉松] 10g P-ARGAL 
Arabinoxylan(rye flour) 100128005 阿拉伯糖基木聚糖[黑麥粉] 3g P-RAXY 
Arabinoxylan(low viscosity-2cSt) 100128006 阿拉伯糖基木聚糖[低黏度-2cSt] 3g P-WAXYL 
Arabinoxylan(medium viscosity-20cSt) 100128007 阿拉伯糖基木聚糖[中黏度-20cSt] 3g P-WAXYM 
Arabinoxylan(high viscosity-45cSt) 100128008 阿拉伯糖基木聚糖[高黏度-45cSt] 3g P-WAXYH 
Arabinoxylan(wheat flour;insoluble) 100128009 阿拉伯糖基木聚糖[小麥粉:可溶] 5g P-WAXYI 
Beta-Glucan(barley;low viscosity) 100128010 Beta葡聚糖[大麥:低黏度] 5g P-BGBL 
Beta-Glucan(barley;medium viscosity) 100128011 Beta葡聚糖[大麥:中黏度] 5g P-BGBM 
Beta-Glucan(barley;high viscosity) 100128012 Beta葡聚糖[大麥:高黏度] 5g P-BGBLH 
Beta-Glucan CFA Standard(previously FIA
Standard) 100128013 Beta葡聚糖CFA標(biāo)準(zhǔn)[即以前的FIA標(biāo)準(zhǔn)] 4vials P-BGBLA 
Beta-Glucan FIA Standard 100128014 Beta葡聚糖[FIA標(biāo)準(zhǔn)] 4vials P-FIAGS 
Beta-Glucan MW Standard 100128015 Beta葡聚糖[MW Standard] 5×500mg P-MWHGS 
Beta-Glucan (Oat; medium viscosity) 100128016 Beta葡聚糖[燕麥:中黏度] 5g P-BGOM 
Beta-Glucan (Oat; high viscosity) 100128017 Beta葡聚糖[燕麥:高黏度] 5g P-BGOH 
Beta-Glucan (Yeast;alkali soluble) 100128018 Beta葡聚糖[酵母:堿溶性的] 2g P-BGYST 
Beta-Limit Dextrin 100128019 Beta極根糊精 10g P-BLDX 
Beta-Limit Dextrin50 100128020 Beta極根糊精 50g P-BLDX50 
Carboxymethyl Cellulose 4M 100128021 羧甲基纖維素4M 40g P-CMC4M 
Curdlan 100128022 熱凝膠多糖[可得然膠] 8g P-CURDL 
CM-Curdlan 100128023 CM-熱凝膠多糖[可得然膠] 4g P-CMCUR 
Galactan(lupin) 100128024 半乳糖[羽扇豆] 3g P-GALLU 
Galactan(potato) 100128025 半乳糖[土豆] 3g P-GALPOT 
Galactomannan(carob;low viscosity) 100128026 半乳甘露聚糖[角豆:低黏度] 4g P-GALML 
Galactomannan(carob;high viscosity) 100128027 半乳甘露聚糖[角豆:高黏度] 5g P-GGLMH 
Galactomannan(guar;Medium viscosity) 100128028 半乳甘露聚糖[瓜爾豆:中黏度] 4g P-GGLMMV 
Galactomannan(guar;high viscosity) 100128029 半乳甘露聚糖[瓜爾豆:高黏度] 4g P-GGLMHV 
Galactomannan(Guar;High Visc,Gal depleted;
28% Gal) 100128030 半乳甘露聚糖[瓜爾豆:高黏度:半乳糖] 4g P-GGM28 
Galactomannan(Guar;High Visc,Gal depleted;
21% Gal) 100128031 半乳甘露聚糖[瓜爾豆:高黏度:半乳糖] 4g P-GGM21 
Galactomannan(konjac;low viscosity) 100128032 葡甘露聚糖[魔芋:低黏度] 4g P-GLCML 
Galactomannan(konjac;high viscosity) 100128033 葡甘露聚糖[魔芋:高黏度] 3g P-GLCMH 
Lichenan(icelandic moss) 100128034 地衣淀粉/地衣多糖[冰島苔] 4g P-LICHN 
Manna(ivory nut) 100128035 甘露聚糖[象牙棕櫚之果實(shí)] 3g P-MANIV 
Manna(1,4-β-D-mannan) 100128036 甘露聚糖[1,4-β-D-甘露聚糖] 4g P-MANCB 
Pachyman(1,3-β-D-glucan) 100128037 茯苓聚糖[1,3-β-D-葡聚糖] 5g P-PACHY 
CM-Pachyman 100128038 CM-茯苓聚糖 3g P-CMPAC 
pectic Galactan(lupin) 100128039 果膠半乳糖[羽扇豆] 4g P-PGALU 
pectic Galactan(potato) 100128040 果膠半乳糖[土豆] 4g P-PGAPT 
Polygalacturonic Acid(PGA) 100128041 聚半乳糖醛酸[PGA] 9g P-PGACT 
Pullulan 100128042 普魯蘭多糖 10g P-PULLN 
Pullulan(NaBH4 reduced 100128043 普魯蘭[用于檢測(cè)普魯蘭酶] 5g P-PULLBH 
Rhamnogalacturonan I(potato) 100128044 鼠李聚糖半乳糖醛酸[土豆] 2g P-RHAM1 
Rhamnogalacturonan (soy bean) 100128045 鼠李聚糖半乳糖醛酸[大豆] 5g P-RHAGN 
Xyloglucan(tamarind) 100128046 木糖葡萄糖[羅望子果] 




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