Agilent 71452A|HP-71452A 光譜分析儀|OSA|安捷倫
品牌:安捷倫 | Agilent | 惠普 | HP
The 71452A Optical Spectrum Analyzer Module is designed for use with the 70000 series Modular Measurement System (MMS). It is a mainframe system with a color display. The unit is a diffraction grating based spectrum analyzer that provides spectral measurements of optical power versus wavelength. The wavelength range is 600 to 1700 nm.
-- Wavelength range: 600-1700nm
-- Minimum Wavelength Resolution: 0.08 nm
-- Maximum Wavelength Resolution : 10 nm
-- Minimum Span: 0.2 nm
-- Minimum Input Decibel: 10 dBm
-- Maximum Input Decibel: 30 dBm
-- Maximum Dynamic Range: -58 dB