2177826 參考價:面議
TGY agar: Tryptone-glucose-yeast agar. For standard plate count, APHA procedure....1462426 參考價:面議
m-FC broth is used to detect and enumerate fecal coliforms by the membrane filtr...2815035 參考價:面議
Red color indicator for E. coli (5-bromo-6-chloro-3-indoyl-beta-Dglucuronide).2277700 參考價:面議
Media set for determination of total bacteriaToxTrak™ Toxicity Test Speeds...108153 參考價:面議
Polypropylene construction of both cylinder and base. All sizes have generous po...2692600 參考價:面議
Replacement Knob assembly for Programmable and Non-Programmable Lab Stirrers.2223112 參考價:面議
Coliforms are reliable indicator organisms for testing water quality because the...2512601 參考價:面議
Synergy Purification Pack designed for Cleaner DI type water sources with low re...2406720 參考價:面議
The heterotrophic plate count (HPC), formerly known as the standard plate count,...2590100 參考價:面議
Replacement Reagent Set for MEL Potable Water Laboratory. Inorganic tests only. ...2323900 參考價:面議
For filter sterilization of small quantities of dilution water.2241646 參考價:面議
White twill fabric. Three pockets. Knee length with button closure.U53S033 參考價:面議
The U53 Ultrasonic Sensor requires no maintenance and is designed to provide yea...2426400 參考價:面議
Bacto m-TGE broth, dehydrated. 500g.2610810 參考價:面議
Hach Paddle Testers allow fast, easy screening of water samples, solid surfaces,...2636341 參考價:面議
This certified, Class A glass mixing cylinder is calibrated “to contain" accordi...2401812 參考價:面議
Replacement cap for 1 Glass Sample Cells. Size 22-400. PTFE Rubber liner.2612953 參考價:面議
One-piece polypropylene construction with a molded in handle top ensure a secure...1410326 參考價:面議
EC Medium, Dehydrated. Medium for confirmation of fecal coliform bacteria. 100 g...2636642 參考價:面議
Individually serialized glass flask supplied with Certificate of Graduation Accu...2432309 參考價:面議
BART biodetectors are excellent diagnostic tools to help identify the presence o...210667 參考價:面議
Graduated, translucent polypropylene pipets. Ideal for silica analysis. Autoclav...2254400 參考價:面議
With 250 mL graduated receiver to eliminate need for a manifold and/or vacuum fl...2811815 參考價:面議
m-TEC, modified, prepared agar plates for detection of E. coli in recreational w...(空格分隔,最多3個,單個標(biāo)簽最多10個字符)