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SR785 動態(tài)信號分析儀是一款精度高、功能強大的信號分析儀。它是目前性能zui強的100KHz動態(tài)信號分析儀,而且價錢不到其它可與之匹敵的分析儀一半。此設備融合了新的固件和硬件使之成為分析電子分析和機械系統(tǒng)的理想工具。SR785的特點和它的參數(shù)使它能夠完成多方面的測量,如伺服系統(tǒng)、控制系統(tǒng)、聲學、振動測試、模式分析和機械診斷等等。
? 標準的測量包括FFT、指令跟蹤、倍頻、正弦掃頻、相關相關時間柱狀圖。在應用中,SR785具有幾個儀器的功能,如:光譜分析、振動分析、倍頻分析和示波鏡等。
由于它*的測量結構,SR785 具備了典型的雙通道分析功能,它能測量交叉譜、頻率響應、相干性等等。當然你也可以只選一路通道, 作為單通道分析儀使用,它的每路輸入通道都有自己的范圍、中心波長、分辨率和平均值,是一個真正雙通道100KHz的動態(tài)信號分析儀。
類型 FFT, Correlation, Time Histogram, Swept-Sine, Order Tracking
范圍 102.4 kHz or 100 kHz (both displays have the same range)
FFT 范圍 195.3 mHz to 102.4 kHz or 191 mHz to 100 kHz. The two displays can have
different spans and start frequencies.
FFT 分辨率 100, 200, 400 or 800 lines
真實帶寬 102.4 kHz (highest FFT span with continuous data acquisition and averaging)
性 25 ppm from 20 °C to 40 °C
動態(tài)范圍 90 dB typical, 80 dB guaranteed(FFT and Octave).
145 dB typical (Swept-Sine).
Includes spurs, harmonics, intermodulation distortion, and alias products.
Excludes alias responses at extremes of span.
諧波失真 < -80 dB (single tone in band)
Intermod. distortion < -80 dB (two tones in band, each less than -6.02 dBfs)
失真 < -80 dBfs
Alias responses < -80 dBfs (single tone outside of span, <0 dBfs, less than 1 MHz)
滿量程FFT -100 dBfs typical (input grounded, noise floor > -30 dBV, Hanning window, 64
rms averages)
Residual DC response < -30 dBfs (FFT with Auto-Cal on)
單通道 ±0.2 dB (excluding window effects)
交叉通道 ±0.05 dB, DC to 102.4 kHz(frequency response measurement, both inputs on
the same range, rms averaged)
單通道 ±3.0 deg. relative to external TTL trigger (-50 dBfs to 0 dBfs, freq. <10.24 kHz,
center of frequency bin, DC coupled). For Blackman-Harris, Hanning, Flat-Top
and Kaiser windows, phase is relative to a cosine wave at center of time record.
For Uniform, Force and Exponential windows, phase is relative to a cosine
wave at beginning of the time record.
交叉通道 ±0.5 deg. (DC to 51.2 kHz) ±1.0 deg. (DC to 102.4 kHz) (frequency response
meas., both inputs on same range, vector avg.)
輸入通道個數(shù) 2
滿量程輸入范圍 -50 dBV (3.16 mVp) to +34 dBV (50 Vp) in 2 dB steps
zui大輸入電平 57 Vp
輸入配置 Single-ended (A), differential (A-B)
輸入阻抗 1 MΩ + 50 pF
機箱屏蔽 Floating mode: 1 MΩ + 0.01 μF
Grounded mode: 50 Ω
Shields grounded in (A-B) mode
zui大保護電壓 4 Vp
交流耦合 0.16 Hz cutoff frequency
CMRR 90 dB at 1 kHz (input range <0 dBV)
80 dB at 1 kHz (input range <10 dBV)
50 dB at 1 kHz (input range ≥10 dBV)
ICP signal conditioning 電流源: 4.8 mA
開路電壓: +26 V
A-weight filter Type 0 tolerance, ANSI standard S1.4-1983 (10 Hz to 25.6 kHz)
Crosstalk < -145 dB below signal (input to input and source to inputs, 50 Ω receiving
input source impedance)
輸入噪聲 < 10 nVrms/√Hz above 200 Hz(< -160 dBVrms/√Hz)
模式 Free Run, Internal, External, or External TTL
內部 Level adjustable to ±100 % of input scale. (Positive or negative slope) Min.
trigger level: 5 % of input range
外部 Level adjustable to ±5 V in 40 mV steps. (Positive or negative slope) Input
impedance: 1 MΩ
Max. input: ±5 V Min. trigger level: 100 mV
外部TTL電平 Requires TTL level to trigger(low <0.7 V, high >3.0 V)
后置觸發(fā)器 Measurement record is delayed up to 100,000 samples after the trigger.
前置觸發(fā)器 Measurement record starts up to 8000 samples prior to the trigger.
脈沖分辨?zhèn)€數(shù) 1 to 2048
RPM 精度 ±50 ppm (typ.)
Tach level range ±25 V, ±5 V, TTL
Tach level resolution 20 mV @ ±25 V, 4 mV @ ±5 V
Max. tach input level ±40 Vp
Min. tach pulse width 100 ns
Max. tach pulse rate 750 kHz
模式 Continuous data recording
zui大比率 262,144 samples/s for both inputs
zui大采樣率 2 Msamples (single input)
長度 8 Msamples with optional memory
標準 Conforms to ANSI std. S1.11-1986 Order 3 Type 1-D and IEC 225-1966
頻率范圍(Band centers) 單通道
1/1 Octave 0.125 Hz to 32 kHz
1/3 Octave 0.100 Hz to 40 kHz
1/12 Octave 0.091 Hz to 12.3 kHz
1/1 Octave 0.125 Hz to 16 kHz
1/3 Octave 0.100 Hz to 20 kHz
1/12 Octave 0.091 Hz to 6.17 kHz
度 <0.2 dB (1 second stable average, single tone at band center)
動態(tài)范圍 80 dB (1/3 Octave, 2 second stable average) per ANSI S1.11-1986
音頻 Impulse, Peak, Fast, Slow and Leq per ANSI S1.4-1983 Type 0 and IEC 651-
1979 Type 0
Delta命令 0.0075 to 1
分辨率 up to 400 lines
振幅度 ±1 dB (typ.)
顯示 Order map (mag. and phase), order track (mag. and phase), orbit
類型 20-pole/20-zero curve fit (non-iterative rational fraction)
命令選擇 Auto or manual
輸出格式 Pole-zero, polynomial, pole-residue
振幅范圍 0.1 mVp to 5 Vp
振幅分辨率 0.1 mVp
DC偏移 <10.0 mV (typ.)
偏移調整 ±5 VDC (sine, swept-sine, two-tone)
輸出阻抗 <5 Ω, ±100 mA peak output current
振幅精度 ±1 % of setting, 0 Hz to 102.4 kHz
0.1 Vp to 5 Vp into Hi-Z load
諧波和分諧波 0.1 Vp to 5 Vp
虛假信號 < -80 dBc (fundamental <30 kHz)
< -75 dBc (fundamental <102 kHz)
振幅精度 ±1 % of setting, 0 Hz to 102.4 kHz,
0.1 Vp to 5 Vp into Hi-Z load
諧波和分諧波 < -80 dBc, 0.1 Vp to 2.5 Vp
時間記錄 Continuous or burst
帶寬 DC to 102.4 kHz or limited to span
平滑度 <0.25 dBpp (typ.), 5000 rms averages (<1.0 dBpp (max.))
帶寬 DC to 102.4 kHz
平滑度 <2.0 dBpp, 20 Hz to 20 kHz (measured using averaged 1/3 oct. analysis)
時間記錄 Continuous or Burst
輸出 Sine sweep across the FFT span
平滑度 ±0.25 dB (1.0 Vp)
自動功能 Source level, input range and
動態(tài)范圍 145 dB
振幅范圍 ±5 V
記錄長度 2 Msamples (playback from arbitrary waveform memory or capture buffer),
variable output sample rate