The Fluke PM 3380B ...94B series are the world's first AutoRanging Digital Storage Oscilloscopes with a complete Analog Oscilloscope built in. Fluke CombiScopes® are a powerful combination of a genuine analog oscilloscope and a powerful digital oscilloscope in one instrument. Designed to fit any budget, there are 5 models in the CombiScope B series: three 2 channel models with bandwidths of 60, 100 or 200 MHz and two 4 channel models with 100 or 200 MHz bandwidth. Fluke CombiScopes offer the best of both worlds: Analog Mode Specifications Vertical Deflection (PM 3380B/90B) Input Channels: 2 Channels + Ext Trig View Frequency Response: 100 MHz Deflection Coefficient: Ch1 & Ch2 (all models): 2 mV/div . 5 V/div in a 1-2-5 sequence or 2 mV/div to 12.5 V/div calibrated continuously variable Rise Time (Calculated): 1.75 ns Error Limit: 1.3% (Measured over center 6 divisions) Input Impedance: (all models, all channels) 1 MΩ Â±1% // 25 pf ±2 pf Max. Rated input voltage: In 1 MΩ position: 150 Vrms CAT II In 50Ω position: 5 Vrms; 50V ac peak ( max of 50 mJ during any 100 ms interval. Vertical Deflection (PM 3384B/94B) Input Channels: 4 Channels Frequency Response: 200 MHz Deflection Coefficient: Ch1 & Ch2 (all models): 2 mV/div . 5 V/div in a 1-2-5 sequence or 2 mV/div to 12.5 V/div calibrated continuously variable Ch3 & Ch4 (PM 3384B/94B): 2 mV/div . 5 V/div in a 1-2-5 sequence or 2 mV/div to 12.5 V/div calibrated continuously variable Rise Time (Calculated): 1.75 ns Error Limit: 1.3% (Measured over center 6 divisions) Input Impedance: (all models, all channels) 1 MΩ Â±1% // 25 pf ±2 pf (PM 3390B/94B): user selectable 50Ω Â±1% Max. Rated input voltage: In 1 MΩ position: 150 Vrms CAT II In 50Ω position: 5 Vrms; 50V ac peak ( max of 50 mJ during any 100 ms interval. Horizontal (Main & Delayed Timebases) Display Modes: Main Timebase (MTB), Delayed Timebase (DTB), Alternate Timebase ( MTB & DTB), X-Y Mode. Time Coefficients: (PM 3380B/3384B): 0.5 s/div to 50 ns/div in a 1-2-5 sequence or calibrated variable control, 1.25 s/div to 50 ns/div. (PM 3390B/3394B): 0.5 s/div to 20 ns/div in a 1-2-5 sequence or calibrated variable control, 1.25 s/div to 20 ns/div. Fastest Sweep (Magn 10X): (PM 3380B/3384B) 5 ns/div (PM 3390B/3394B) 2 ns/div Error Limit (Magn 10X): ±1.3% of reading + 0.5% of 8 divisions) Triggering (Main & Delayed Timebase) Trigger modes: Auto free run, Triggered, Single, Edge Triggering, TV Triggering Edge Triggering MTB Trigger Source: (PM 3380B/3390B): Ch1, Ch2, Ext (PM 3384B/3394B): Any input channel or Line (mains); Optional rear mounted External Trigger input replacing line Triggering. DTB Trigger Source: Starts after delay or triggered on any input channel. Slope: Positive or Negative Coupling: DC, AC (> 10 Hz), LF-Rej (30 kHz), HF-Rej (30 kHz) Level Range: ±8 div or level within signal peak to peak range. Level Indication: On screen level indicators and numeric readout. Trigger Sensitivity: (PM 3380B/3384B): 0.6 div up to 50 MHz, 1.2 div up to 100 MHz, 2.0 div up to 200 MHz (PM 3390B/3394B): 0.6 div up to 100 MHz, 1.2 div up to 200 MHz, 2.0 div up to 300 MHz TV Triggering Video Standard: HDTV, NTSC, PAL, SECAM standards MTB Trigger Source: CH1 to CH4, Field1, Field2, TV-Lines Signal Polarity: Positive or Negative Sensitivity: 0.7 div (Sync Pulse) Cursor Measurements Cursor Modes: Horizontal, Vertical, Both Readout: Vertical: dV, V1 to gnd, V2 to gnd, Ratio Horizontal: dt, 1/dt (in Hz), Ratio, Phase Accuracy (magn 1X): 1% of full scale within the central 8 horizontal and 6 vertical divisions. X-Y Mode X Deflection Source: Any input channel or line X Deflection Coefficient: Same as for vertical deflection Dynamic range: 20 div up to 100 kHz, > 10 div up to 2 MHz. Frequency Response: 32 MHz at -3 dB Error Limit: 5% measured over central 6 divisions. Phase Shift: < 3o up to 100 kHz Digital Mode Specifications Acquisition Repetitive Sample Rate: Random sampling gives an equivalent sample rate of up to; (PM 3380B/3384B): 10 GS/s (PM 3390B/3394B): 25 GS/s Single Shot Sample Rate: Up to 200 MS/s Vertical resolution: ADC resolution: 8 bit Memory resolution: 16 bit Memory: (PM 3380B/3390B): Standard Memory: 8 k, max trace storage, 27 traces (PM 3380B/3390B): Extended Memory option: 32 k, max trace storage, 153 traces (PM 3384B/94B): Standard Memory: 32 k, max trace storage, 204 traces Average: 2,4,8 to 4096, giving a resolution of up to 14 bits Peak Detection: Captures glitches up to 5 ns Envelope Mode: For continuous tracking of changing waveforms Vertical Auto Ranging vertical deflection: Automatically and continuously adapts the instrument's vertical settings to have 2 to 6 divisions' display of input signal. Bandwidth: See above analog mode specification Magnification: Up to x32 magnification for higher deflection sensitivity. Display modes: Ch1, ± Ch2, Ch3, ± Ch4, calculated add and subtract Window Mode: 2 or 4 windows to display two or four traces above each other while using the full dynamic range of the ADC Horizontal Autoranging timebase: Continuously adapts timebase sweep speed to the frequency of the trigger signal in order to keep 2 to 6 cycles on screen. Acquisition modes: Recurrent (Auto and triggered), Single Shot, Multiple Single Shot, Roll, Triggered Roll X-Y Mode: Any trace in memory or any of the input channels can be used as a X source. Timebase Single Shot Sampling: 200 s/div to 500 ns/div in a 1-2-5 sequence Variable Timebase: Continuously variable sweep speed; 1us/div to 500 us/div in 1 us increments. 500 us/div to 200 s/div with 0.2% or smaller increments. Recurrent: (PM 3380B/3384B): 200 ns/div to 5 ns/div (PM 3390B/3394B): 200 ns/div to 2 ns/div Roll Mode: 200 s/div to 200 ms/div, triggered or free roll mode, in a 1-2-5 sequence or continuously variable Display Resolution: Horizontal resolution for 1x magnification: 500 samples = 10 divisions = 1 screen width. Magnification: x2, x4 to x32 to zoom in onto parts of waveform Interpolation: Dots, Sine or Linear Triggering Trigger Coupling: Same as analog mode Edge Triggering: Same as analog mode plus; dual slope triggering available when in single shot, real time mode. TV Triggering: Same as analog mode Logic trigger modes: (PM 3380B/3390B): Glitch (time qualified pulse) (PM 3384B/3394B): State (4 bit), Pattern (4 bit), Glitch (time qualified pulse) Delay Time Delay: 0 to 1,000 div continuously adjustable Pre trigger view: Up to a complete record can be filled with pre-trigger information. (160 div for 8 k, 640 division for 32 k) Event Delay: 1 to 16,384 events, max count rate 50 MHz Delay Modes: Starts after time delay or wait for trigger after time delay. Cursor Measurements Cursor Modes: Horizontal, Vertical, Both: Free or locked to trace Readout: Vertical: dv, V1 to gnd, V2 to gnd, Ratio Horizontal: dt, 1/dt (in Hz), Ratio, Phase (cycle is automatically referenced to trigger signal) Calculated Measurements Volt: DC, rms, minimum, maximum, peak to peak, Low level, High level, Overshoot (positive & negative), Pre-shoot (positive & negative) Time: Frequency, Period, Pulsewidth, Rise time, Fall time, Duty cycle Delay: Channel to channel, rising and falling edges. Quick Measurements Probe operated, "Touch Hold And Measure" instantly gives calculated measurements of frequency, dc, rms, and Vp-p. Processing Add, Subtract, Multiply, Digital Filter, Integrate, Differentiate, FFT, Histogram, Pass Fail.
General Specifications Autoset Selects proper channel, time-base and trigger settings. Function can be customized Autocal Automatic fine adjustment for enhanced accuracy to get optimal performance even under extreme environmental conditions Interfacing Standard: RS-232C, CPL protocol Options: IEEE-488.2(GPIB), SCPI Hard Copy Output: Printed or plotted hard copy of the screen in digital mode. User Text: Two lines of on-screen text Interface: RS-232C or IEEE-488.2 (GPIB) Printer Drivers: FX Series (9 Pin), LQ1500 (24 Pins), HP 2225 Thinkjet, HP Laserjet, (series II & III), HP 540 Deskjet, and compatibles. Plotters: HP 7440, HP 7550, HP 7475A, HP 7470A and compatibles, HPGL. Camera: Camera Kit PM 9381/001 available as optional accessory. Power Supply Line Voltage: 100V to 240V (±10%) CAT II Line Frequency: 50 Hz to 400 Hz (±10%) Power Consumption: 115W (130W with all options installed) Safety Meets requirements of EN 61010-1 CAT II Pollution Degree 2, Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC, UL3111, CSA C22.2 010-1 Meets requirements of MIL-STD-461C: Part2 CEO1 (narrow band), Part4 CEO3, Part2 CSO1, Part5 CSO6, (Limited to 300V), Part5 and 6 REO1, Part2 REO2 (max. 1 GHz) EMC Miscellaneous Setting Memory: 10 complete instrument setups, with battery backup. Calibrated output: 600 mv p-p, 2 kHz square wave. Z-Modulation Input: BNC, 10 kΩ > 2.4V=blanked, < 0.5 V=unblanked Time Between Calibration: 2000 Hrs or 1 year 4000 Hrs or 2 year if error limits are doubled. Size (excluding handle & feet) 139 mm H x 341 mm W x 481 mm L 5.5" H x 13.4" W x 18.9' L Weight 9.5 kg 21 lb Warranty Three-year product warranty, parts and labor. Five year CRT warranty.