




化工儀器網(wǎng)>產(chǎn)品展廳>常用儀表>流量儀表>其它流量儀表>T-SPEC T-SPEC系列實時太赫茲(THz)光譜儀

T-SPEC T-SPEC系列實時太赫茲(THz)光譜儀



北京歐蘭科技發(fā)展有限公司專業(yè)代理、銷售世界激光及光電產(chǎn)品公司的激光器件,包括皮秒,納秒,飛秒,連續(xù)波激光器,固體激光器,光電子設(shè)備,光學(xué)元件,精密位移定位平臺,壓電陶瓷納米制動器,納米位移平臺,CCD相機(jī),激光光譜探測系統(tǒng),激光參數(shù)測量設(shè)備,燃燒和流體診斷系統(tǒng),PIV,PLIF,LII, PDI, PDPA, PDA, 粒子成像測速場儀,激光相位多普勒干涉儀,相位多普勒粒子分析儀, 材料形變應(yīng)力分析,太赫茲實驗系統(tǒng)和組件,表面形貌測量,材料應(yīng)力形變分析, 界面特性分析,液滴氣泡分析儀,等儀器和設(shè)備。

主要產(chǎn)品有:高/中/低功率半導(dǎo)體泵浦和閃光燈泵浦的調(diào)Q/鎖模飛秒/皮秒/納秒固體激光器; 準(zhǔn)分子激光器,二氧化碳激光器,通訊激光器;激光能量計,功率計,光束品質(zhì)分析儀; 和頻光譜測量系統(tǒng),四波混頻光譜測量系統(tǒng),皮秒時間分辨光譜測量系統(tǒng),納秒激光光譜測量系統(tǒng),橢偏儀,布儒斯特角顯微成像分析儀,表面等離子體共振成像分析儀,波導(dǎo)模分析儀,接觸角測量儀,液滴氣泡分析儀,激光差分雷達(dá);光學(xué)(激光)診斷系統(tǒng),粒子成像測速系統(tǒng)(PIV);超快、超高幀頻(增強(qiáng)型)CCD相機(jī),增強(qiáng)型及特種CCD相機(jī);各種非線性晶體,紅外晶體,激光晶體;光學(xué)精密機(jī)械元件;激光器電源及附件。這些產(chǎn)品已經(jīng)被廣泛應(yīng)用于物理、化學(xué)、材料、通訊、制造、能源、航空航天等領(lǐng)域。






  • Wide spectral range up to  3.5 THz (116 cm-1)

  • Excellent spectral resolution better than 5 GHz (0.17 cm-1)

  • High power S/N ratio >106:1 at 0.4 THz

  • Real-time data acquisition  up to 10 spectra/s

  • “No bearing” design of fast delay line – virtually unlimited lifetime

  • Transmission and reflection modes

  • High spatial resolution THz imaging

  • Complete PC control

  • User-friendly software for transmission or/and  absorption measurements, imaging


  • THz transmission, reflection spectroscopy

  • Optical pump – THz probe spectroscopy

  • Chemical material characterization

  • Medical and biological nondestructive research

  • Semiconductor wafer inspection

  • Polymeric compounding

  • Explosives detection

  • Your application is welcome…

Real-time Terahertz Spectrometer offered by EKSPLA is a powerful   tool for investigative applications of pulsed terahertz waves. With   simple and robust design, it is easy-to-use and adaptable to individual   requirements.The unique design of microstrip photoconductive antenna   fabricated on low-temperature grown GaAs  (LT-GaAs) substrate ensures   broad-band spectral coverage and high dynamic range.The system is   designed with two delay lines: fast and slow. Fast scan line allows real   time data acquisition with 10 spectra/sec. speed. Average of collected   spectra can increase signal to noise ratio to 106:1 at 0.4.   Additional slow delay line extends scan window from  110 ps to 220 ps;   as a result system obtains excellent spectral resolution of &Delta;f < 5   GHz. The fast scan line is designed without bearings and uses a   magnetically coupled drive which makes it extremely reliable and   significantly extends the lifetime. Our T-SPEC series spectrometer is   the perfect choice for broadband THz imaging. It allows scan of up to   25&times;25 mm sample with spatial resolution of approx. 1 mm. Measurements   contain information about the target, revealing both structural and   spectroscopic information.

Basic operation principles of THz Time Domain Spectroscopy

The terahertz (THz) and sub-THz frequency region (100 GHz &ndash; 10   THz) of the electromagnetic spectrum bridges the gap between the   microwaves and infrared. THz waves penetrate dielectric materials like   paper or plastic, are reflected by materials with free electrons like   metals and are absorbed by molecules with certain vibration levels   within the terahertz band. Terahertz absorption or refection   spectroscopy, imaging of biological and other objects, THz tomography   and optical pump-THz probe spectroscopy are all hot topics in recent   scientific conferences with possible applications in semiconductor,   medical and security industries. The typical THz Time Domain   Spectroscopy (THz-TDS) setup is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig.1. Example of THz-TDS experimental setup

Sub-picosecond pulses of THz radiation are detected after   propagation through a sample and an identical length of a free space. A   comparison of the Fourier transforms of these pulse shapes gives the   absorption spectra of the sample under investigation.

Fig.2. typical performance of T-SPEC series real-time THz   spectrometer (measured in ambient atmosphere) - THz pulse waveform and   Fourier-transform spectra. (Click on the picture to enlarge)

Examples of THz spectra

Fig.3. Absorption coefficient measurements of RDX and * in ambient atmosphere. (Click on the image to enlarge).

THz Components

The key components for any THz system are THz radiation emitter and detector. EKSPLA THz emitter and detector features a microstrip photoconductive antenna fabricated on   low-temperature grown GaAs  (LT-GaAs) substrate. THz radiation is   collected and collimated by integrated hemispherical high-resistivity   silicon lens, mounted on X-Y stage. Performance of photoconductive   antenna, depends on carriers mobility and their trapping time in   semiconductor layers. LT-GaAs is one of the best materials for THz   applications because of its high carrier mobility, fast carrier capture   time, high breakdown voltage and high resistivity. LT-GaAs growth   technology allows controlling the photoexcited carrier lifetime within a   very wide region: from less than 100 fs to 100 ps. Photoconductor   antenna geometry, silicon lens parameters, as well as the properties of   LT-GaAs epitaxial layers were optimized for highest THz radiation output   efficiency while preserving optimal bandwidth.

As  a result, the   typical emitted THz radiation power exceeds several &micro;W when pumped by   mode-locked ultrafast laser with 30 mW output power and 100 fs pulse   duration. FWHM bandwidth of detection system exceeds 700 GHz, with   usable spectral range of 0.1&ndash;3.5 THz. Versions for different types of   pump lasers are available.

Fig. 4. THz radiation emitter and detector


Stand-alone software   is supplied with the device. It has integrated tools for complete   system control, transmission/absorption spectra analysis, 2D imaging   data visualization and spectral analysis by X, Y position. It also   allows real-time signal and spectra monitoring (useful for system   adjustment) as well as averaging up to 512 spectra to increase dynamic   range. Raw data can be exported to file for further analysis.

Fig. 5. Software main window (image of blade (size 97 x 97 pixels) acquired in imaging mode at 1 THz  frequency

Build Your own THz spectrometer
As a totally flexible and cost effective solution, Ekspla offers the   Terahertz Spectroscopy Kit. Four standard confgurations are available,   optimized for transmission, reflection,imaging or pump-probe   measurement. All can be easily interchanged and modified. Any other   optional configuration can be ordered initially or as a future upgrade.

Basic THz Spectroscopy Kit includes:

  • photoconductive antenna,

  • THz emitter and detector,

  • pump laser beam guiding optics,

  • motorized slow delay line with controller,

  • THz beam guiding mirrors,

  • sample holder,

  • lock-in amplifier,

  • Labview based software for data acquisition.


  • femtosecond laser,

  • purging box, removes water absorption lines

  • personal computer.

Requests for custom-made version are welcome.


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